The men I work with often struggle to identify their emotions and articulate their needs, leading to challenges in decision-making, asserting themselves, and setting healthy boundaries. This can result in built-up resentment, explosive anger, or other unhealthy behaviors that make things worse.

Sometimes they feel numb or disconnected, making it hard to connect with others—or even with themselves. Many believe their issues aren't significant enough to seek help and may feel guilty for wanting support.

It’s understandable to feel like you should manage everything on your own, especially with all the skills and accomplishments you already have. But remember, you’re human. No one has all the answers, and sometimes we need support to overcome obstacles and become whole.

Does any of this resonate with you? If so, we might be a good match for therapy. I have extensive experience working with men on a wide range of issues, including:

  • Relationship, communication, intimacy, infidelity, and sexual issues

  • Anger, depression, anxiety, and emotional management

  • Numbness or dissociation

  • Cultivating healthy masculinity and assertiveness

  • Career issues and finding fulfillment

  • Veteran concerns, including PTSD and adjustment difficulties

  • Compulsive sexual behavior and other problematic habits

  • Issues unique to bisexual, gay, and queer-identified men

Feel free to reach out if you think I might be the right therapist for you.